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Labels, Mount Points, Markers & Lines


map.showCountryNames: toggles countriy labels on/off.

map.countryLabelsSize: this is the relative size for labels. Controls how much the label can grow to fit the country area.

map.countryLabelsAbsoluteMinimumSize: minimum absolute size for all labels.

map.labelsQuality: specify the quality of the label rendering (Low, Medium, High).

map.showLabelsShadow: toggles label shadowing on/off.

map.countryLabelsColor: color for the country labels. Supports alpha.

map.countryLabelsShadowColor: color for the shadow of country labels. Also supports alpha.

map.countryLabelsFont: Font for the country labels.

Mount Points

map.mountPoints: return a List<MountPoint> of all mount points records.

map.GetMountPointNearPoint: returns the nearest mount point to a location on the sphere.

map.GetMountPoints: returns a list of mount points, optionally filtered by country and province.

Markers & Lines

map.AddMarker2DSprite(marker, planeLocation, markerScale, enableEvents, autoScale): adds a sprite (provided by you) to the map at plane location with specified scale (markerScale). The parameter enableEvents specifies if mouse events should be handled automatically (click events, dragging). The parameter autoScale specifies if the size of the sprite should be automatically adjusted based on the zoom level.

map.AddMarker3DObject(marker, planeLocation, markerScale, enableEvents): adds a 3D gameobject (provided by you) to the map at plane location with specified scale (markerScale). When enableEvents is set to true, you can get click events. See the OnMarker*** events in the Events section.

map.AddMarker2DText(text, planeLocation): adds a text to the map.

map.AddMarker2DTextPro(text, planeLocation, color, scale, font, fontStyle): adds a text to the map using TextMeshPro with optional appearance options.

map.GetMarkers(List<Transform> results): returns all markers added to the map. This function is overloaded and you can optionally pass the Country, Province, Region or Cell object for which you want the markers. You must pass an initialized List and this function will fill in the results.

map.AddLine(start, end, color, elevation, drawingDuration, lineWidth, fadeAfter): adds an animated line to the map from start to end position and with color, elevation and other options. Check the AddLine section below for available options for lines.

map.AddCircle(position,  kmRadius,  ringWidthStart,  ringWidthEnd,  color, overdraw, renderOrder): adds a circle to the markers overlay at map position, radius, ring size (0..1) and color (alpha supported). Set overdraw to false to avoid colors of different overlapping circles to mix. The renderOrder can be used to control which circle is rendered before others

map.AddCircleOnSphere(latitude, longitude,  kmRadius,  ringWidthStart,  ringWidthEnd,  color, overdraw, renderOrder): adds a circle to the markers overlay at map position, radius, ring size (0..1) and color (alpha supported). Set overdraw to false to avoid colors of different overlapping circles to mix. The renderOrder can be used to control which circle is rendered before others. This method has into account the spherical shape of the world so circles drawn this way will display the proper deformation as the center is far from equator.

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