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map.showEarth: show/hide the planet Earth. Same than inspector property.

map.earthStyle: the currently texture used in the Earth.

map.earthColor: the current color used in the Earth when style = SolidColor.

map.earthTexture: the current texture used in the Earth when style = SolidTexture.

map.SetEarthTexture: similar to assigning a texture using the previous property but calling this method ensures the contents are re-applied (useful if texture contents are modified).

map.earthMaterial: returns current Earth material.

map.heightMapTexture: the heightmap used for pathfinding and viewport elevation.

map.SetHeightMapTexture: sets the heightmap texture (similar to using the previous property but calling this method ensures the contents are refreshed, useful if the texture contents are modified).

map.showLatitudeLines: draw latitude lines.

map.latitudeStepping: separation in degrees between each latitude line.

map.showLongitudeLines: draw longitude lines.

map.longitudeStepping: number of longitude lines.

map.gridLinesColor: color of latitude and longitude lines.

map.ToggleContinentSurface(name, visible, color): colorize countries belonging to specified continent with color provided or hide its surface (if visible = false).

map.HideContinentSurface(name): uncolorize/hide countries belonging to the specified continent.

map.showWater: determines if water is visible in the scenic styles.

map.waterColor: color of the water for the Scenic Plus style.

map.scenicWaterMask: the water mask texture used for water rendering in scenic styles.

map.SetEarthWaterMask: similar to assigning a texture using the previous methods but calling this method ensures the contents are re-loaded (useful if texture contents are modified).

map.waterLevel: the water level used for rendering water in scenic styles.

map.ContainsWater(position): returns true if specified position contains water (sea, river, lake, …)

map.ContainsWater(position, boxAreaSize, out waterPosition): same but applied to a box centered on position. Returns the position of the water found.

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