World Map Strategy Kit also includes a minimap (see Demo scene #401 in UI Examples):
The minimap allows you quick navigation to any location on the map.
To enable it, just call WMSKMiniMap.Show(normalizedScreenPosition). This call will return a WMSKMiniMap reference which you can use to customize the minimap behaviour and appearance.
normalizedScreenPosition is a Vector4 which contains the normalized (0..1) screen coordinates and size for the minimap. Example:
Vector4 normalizedScreenPosition = new Vector4 (left, top, width, height) … where left, top, width and height are values in the range of 0..1
Note that screen position is 0,0, at bottom/left and 1,1 at top/right.
Static methods:
WMSKMiniMap.Show(normalizedScreenPosition): creates and show a minimap.
WMSKMiniMap.IsVisible(): returns true if minimap is currently visible.
WMSKMiniMap.RepositionAt(normalizedScreenPosition): moves the minimap to another position or changes its size.
WMSKMiniMap.Hide(): destroys the minimap.
Instance properties and methods:
he minimap allows you quickly navigation to any location on the map.
To enable it, just call WMSKMiniMap.Show(normalizedScreenPosition). This call will return a WMSKMiniMap reference which you can use to customize the minimap behaviour and appearance.
normalizedScreenPosition is a Vector4 which contains the normalized (0..1) screen coordinates and size for the minimap. Example:
Vector4 normalizedScreenPosition = new Vector4 (left, top, width, height) … where left, top, width and height are values in the range of 0..1
Note that screen position is 0,0, at bottom/left and 1,1 at top/right.
Static methods:
WMSKMiniMap.Show(normalizedScreenPosition): creates and show a minimap.
WMSKMiniMap.IsVisible(): returns true if minimap is currently visible.
WMSKMiniMap.RepositionAt(normalizedScreenPosition): moves the minimap to another position or changes its size.
WMSKMiniMap.Hide(): destroys the minimap.
Instance properties and methods: