map.mouseIsOver: returns true if mouse has entered the Earth’s sphere collider.
map.allowUserRotation/map.allowUserZoom: enables/disables user interaction with the map.
map.rotationAllowedAxis: specifies the allowed rotation axis (both, X or Y).
map.mouseWheelSensibility: multiplying factor for the zoom in/out functionality.
map.invertZoomDirection: switch direction of zoom when using the mouse wheel.
map.showCursor: enables the cursor over the map.
map.cursorFollowMouse: makes the cursor follow the map.
map.cursorLocation: current location of cursor in local coordinates (by default the sphere is size (1,1,1) so x/y/z can be in (-0.5,0.5) interval. Can be set and the cursor will move to that coordinate.
map.cursorLocation: current location of cursor in local coordinates (by default the sphere is size (1,1,1) so x/y/z can be in (-0.5,0.5) interval. Can be set and the cursor will move to that coordinate.
map.GetCurrentMapLocation(bool worldSpace = false): returns the the sphere coordinates of the center of the currently visible map.
map.centerOnRightClick: enables auto-centering on country/province under mouse.
map.rightClickRotates: enables globe rotation when holding right mouse button.
map.rightClickRotatingClockwise: changes direction of rotation of globe with holding right mouse button.
map.setSimulatedMouseButtonClick: simulates a mouse click (press + release) (0=left mouse button, 1=right mouse button)
map.setSimulatedMouseButtonPressed: simulates a mouse press (0=left mouse button, 1=right mouse button)
map.setSimulatedMouseButtonRelease: simulates a mouse release (0=left mouse button, 1=right mouse button)