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map.navigationTime: time in seconds to fly to the destination (see FlyTo methods).

map.navigationBounceIntensity: amount (0..1) of bouncing between navigation points.

map.followDeviceGPS: if set to true, the map will be centered on the latitude and longitude coordinates returned by the device GPS.

map.FlyToCountry(name): start navigation at navigationTime speed to specified country. The list of country names can be obtained through the cities property.

map.FlyToCountry(index): same but specifying the country index in the countries list.

map.FlyToProvince(name): start navigation at navigationTime speed to specified province. The list of provinces names can be obtained through the provinces property.

map.FlyToProvince (index): same but specifying the province index in the provinces list.

map.FlyToCity(name): start navigation at navigationTime speed to specified city. The list of city names can be obtained through the cities property.

map.FlyToCity(index): same but specifying the city index in the cities list.

map.FlyToLocation (): same but specifying the location in local Unity spherical coordinates. Optionally pass duration in seconds and destination zoom level to zoom in/out smoothly from current position.

map.GetCurrrentMapLocation: returns the sphere coordinates of the center of the visible map from camera. Similar to cursorLocation but restricted to the center of the globe. Note that cursorLocation requires the pointer to hover the globe while GetCurrentMapLocation will always return the center of the map from the camera perspective.

map.GetZoomLevel(): returns the normalized zoom level based on current distance to Earth (0..1).

map.GetZoomLevel(altitudeInKM): returns the zoom level for an altitude given in km.

map.SetZoomLevel(): sets the normalized zoom level (0..1) based on current distance to Earth.

map.OrbitRotateTo(…): performs a pitch/yaw rotation (only if Enable Orbit is on).

map.DragTowards(Vector2 direction): performs a drag move in the given screen-space direction.

map.ZoomTo(…): performs a zoom transition to specified zoom level (0..1).

map.Stopxxx: several methods to immediately stop any navigation.

Navigation methods with duration provides a callback pattern to chain actions. Example:

map.FlyToCity(..).Then( () => action; );

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