map.showFogOfWar: shows or hides the fog of war layer.
map.fogOfWarResolution: a value that translates into the internal texture for storing the transparency of the fog of war around the globe. The texture size is 2^this value, so a value of 10 means a texture size of 1024×512 (equirectangular textures have a 2×1 ratio).
map.fogOfWarColor1/2: colors for the fog of war.
map.fogOfWarColor1/2: colors for the fog of war.
map.fogOfWarElevation: thickness for the fog of war layer.
map.fogOfWarClear(alpha): fills fog of war with alpha value (0 = no fog, 1 = full opaque fog)
map.SetFogOfWarAlpha(spherePos | region | country | province | cell, alpha, radius, strength): erases or paints with fog a custom position with given radius and strength of pen.