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Highlight Plus effects don't render when Beautify uses super-sampling (built-in pipeline).
This outcome is by design in Unity. Super Sampling will make the camera render to an off-screen target which Highlight Plus is not aware of, so its effects won’t be visible in the final blend. A work around exists though: create a second camera child of the main camera, set its Clear Flags to Depth Only and set Highlight Plus camera layer mask to this second camera only. Finally, enable the ‘Ignore Object Visibility’ option in Highlight Plus. The result is that Highlight Effects are now rendered by the second camera on top of the result of the main camera which can continue to use super-sampling.
Compatibility With Dynamic Mesh Combiner
Activate “Ignore Object Visiblity” in Highlight Plus. This option allows compatibility with other assets like Dynamic Mesh Combiner.
How can I make the 'fade in duration' use unscaledTime so that it works during a pause?
To make the ‘fade in duration’ use unscaledTime, simply add the following line in the Start() method of any script:

HighlightEffect.useUnscaledTime = true;

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