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Options and effects

Tip: a tooltip with a short description will appear when you move the mouse over each option label in the inspector.

General options

  • Occluder: enabling this option will trigger the see-through on other sprites with Highlight Plus 2D when passing behind this one.
  • Preview In Editor: enabling this option will render the effects in Editor while not in play mode.
  • Pixel Snap: render effects using pixel perfect adjustment.
  • Alpha Cut Off: any pixel alpha below this value will be considered a transparent pixel.
  • Preserve Mesh: enable this option only if Highlight Plus 2D is used with MeshRenderers and the original meshes must be used (use this option with Spine system).
  • Polygon/SVG: enable this option if the sprite uses polygon packing or if it’s a SVG sprite.
  • Auto Size: enable if you want to override the size, aspect ratio or center for the effects.

Highlight options

  • Ignore: enable to ignore any effect on this sprite. This option is useful if you have the Highlight Effect applied to a root object with the Include option set to Children. Using this “Ignore” option allows you to ignore this one but apply the effects to the others in the group.
  • Highlighted: global setting for the highlight status.
  • Include: determines which objects should be included when applying these effects. Currently the options are “Children”, “Only This Object” or “Root to Children”.
  • Exclusive: by default, the outline or glow effect will be combined around the objects covered by a single Highlight Effect script. Enabling this option will force the outline and glow to render separately on this object.


The overlay effect adds a transparent solid color layer on top of the sprite with different stylized options like custom blending and color animation.


The outline effect adds a colored border to the sprite. Different quality levels are supported.


The glow effect adds a light “bloom” around the sprite. You can configure the number of glow passes (by default 4) and specify different appearance options for each pass to create infinite possibilities (ie. a rainbow or gradient-based bloom).

To change the glow color from script you can use the SetGlowColor(color) method of the HighlightPlus2D script. And that’s all!

Or if you want to change the individual settings for each glow pass like offset, alpha and color as well, you can use this code:

HighlightEffect2D effect = GetComponent<HighlightEffect2D>();

GlowPassData[] glowPasses = effect.glowPasses;

glowPasses[0].color = Color.yellow;

glowPasses[0].alpha = 0.5f;

glowPasses[0].offset = 4;

glowPasses[1].color =;

glowPasses[2].alpha =;



By default the “effect.glowPasses” array length is 4, which you can modify in the inspector or by assigning a new array to the glowPasses property. Note that GlowPassData type of each entry in the array is a struct which contains the alpha, offset and color properties.

Zoom Scale

The zoom scale will modify the sprite scale when highlighted.


The see-through or x-ray effect makes the sprites partially visible behind other solid objects.

Shadow Options

Sprites do not support shadow-casting by Highlight Plus 2D can add them! Use this section to add either 2D or 3D shadows to the sprite.

Hit FX

The Hit FX effect adds a quick flash to the sprite resembling a hit.

Call HitFX() method to execute a hit effect:

using HighlightPlus2D;
HighlightEffect2D effect = mySprite.GetComponent<HighlightEffect2D>();
effect.HitFX(color, fadeOutDuration, initialIntensity);
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