2D Flat Mode
In 2D Flat Mode you can convert from/to local map coordinates to world space coordinates using:
map.transform.TransformPoint(Vector3 local map coordinate)
map.transform.InverseTransformPoint( Vector3 world space)
Viewport Mode
In Viewport Mode you have access to: Map2DToWorldPosition, WorldToMap2DPosition and Map2DToRenderViewport methods.
map.Map2DToWorldPosition(position, height, HEIGHT_OFFSET_MODE.ABSOLUTE_CLAMPED
Returns the world position of the given map coordinate. This takes into account the viewport and ground elevation is used, unless you pass -1 to height which will assume absolute 0 height
map.Map2DToWorldPosition(Vector2 position, float height, HEIGHT_OFFSET_MODE heightOffsetMode, bool ignoreViewport)
Returns the world position of the given map coordinate. This takes into account the viewport and ground elevation is used, unless you pass -1 to height which will assume absolute 0 height. If viewport is enabled, you can use the ignoreViewport param to return the flat 2D Map position.
Use heightOffsetMode to position wisely the height:
– Absolute Altitude will return an absolute height irrespective of altitude at map point (it can cross ground)
– Absolute Clamped will return either the ground altitude or the absolute height (the greater value)
– Relative to the ground will simply add the height to the ground altitude
map.Map2DToRenderViewport(Vector2 position)
Returns a 2D coordinate compatible with wrapping mode. For instance, if current render viewport views part of the left-side map on the right side, then the returned coordinate will have an x > 0.5f
map.WorldToMap2DPosition(Vector3 position ...)
Returns a 2D coordinate compatible with wrapping mode from a world position. This method is useful to obtain the map coordinates for any gameobject positioned in space regardless of world-wrapping mode or viewport mode.