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Compass Navigator Pro Parameters

When you select the CompassNavigatorPro in the hierarchy, a custom inspector will be shown allowing you to customize it:

Please note that all of these parameters can also be controlled using C# (see API section).

Compass Bar Settings

In this section you can customize the general look & feel of the Compass Bar:

  • Camera: the default main camera for compass orientation. The asset automatically picks the Main Camera but you can assign a different one.

  • Style: choose a ready-to-use compass bar style. If you want to add your own sprite you can simply replace the existing sprites in the Resources/Sprites section. Read ”Adding your own sprites” section.

  • Vertical Position: Specify a vertical position for the compass bar (0 = bottom, 1 = top).

  • Width of bar: Specify a width (0..1 with respect to the screen width).

  • End Caps Width: Specify a margin to limit the area where icons can be displayed (so they don’t overlap the end point art of the compass bar).

  • Alpha: Set the transparency of the compass bar during playmode. Check “Visible in Edit Mode” if you want to show the compass bar irrespective of the alpha setting during Edit Mode.

  • Fade Duration: Sepcify a fade duration in seconds. The compass bar appears/disappears smoothly and this parameter controls the duration of this effect.

  • Use 3D Distance: by default, the distance to the POI is measured ignoring the Y-axis, like in a flat plane. Toggle this checkbox to use the distance in XYZ space instead.

  • World Mapping Mode: determines the algorithm used to fit the POIs in front of the camera into the bar.

  • Same Altitude Difference: this is a threshold in meters to determine if POI is above or below your position.

  • Show Cardinal Points: if N/W/E/S will appear in the compass bar.

  • Show Distance (meters): if the current distance in meters to the POI is shown next to its name.

  • Idle Update Mode: the contents of the compass bar and mini-map are always updated when the camera rotates or moves. But if the camera is idle, this property specifies the interval between POI changes check.

POIs Settings

This section allows you to customize the behaviour and look of the POIs (Points of Interests) or icons shown in the compass bar:

  • Visible distance: POIs farther than this parameter won’t be shown in the compass bar.

  • Near distance: this is a distance threshold where the icons will begin to grow as the player approaches them.

  • Visited distance: the distance to the POI to be considered visited or explored. The icon shown in the compass bar will be chosen according to the IsVisited property of the POI.

  • Icon Size Range: useful to customize the minimum and maximum icon sizes in the compass bar. As the player approaches the POIs, the icons will tend to grow.

  • Label Hot Zone: a POI’s label will be visible on the Compass Bar if its icon on bar is within certain distance from the center. This distance is defined by Label Hot Zone parameter.

  • Scale In Duration: when a POI icon appears on the compass bar, this setting controls the duration for the scaling animation. Set this to zero to make the icon pop on the compass bar without any scale effect.

  • Gizmo Scale: this is a scaling multiplier for the icon displayed in the scene (if the POI is marked with ShowGizmoInPlayMode property).

  • Visited Sound: an optional audio clip to be played when this POI is visited for the first time.

  • Beacon Sound: an optional audio clip to be played when a light beacon is activated for this POI.

  • Heartbeat Sound: an optional audio clip to be played when a light beacon is activated for this POI. Each POI can have its own heartbeat clip.

Title and Text Settings

This section controls the look and behaviour of the title and text.

The title is shown over the compass bar when a POI is centered in it and has been visited.

The text is shown in animated way when POI is first discovered.

Mini-Map Settings

This section controls the look and behaviour of the mini-map. The mini-map is synchronized with the compass bar. Adding a POI to the compass bar will make it visible in the mini-map as well.

Follow: select the gameobject that’s below the mini-map center. Usually it’s the main camera or player character.

Camera Mode: the mode for the mini-map camera, either orthographic or perspective. An orthographic camera will have the same visible range (defined by Zoom Range property) while the perspective camera’s area depends on the altitude (defined by Altitude property).

Layer Mask: specifies which objects should be visible in the mini-map.

Style: the graphical style of the mini-map. To provide your own textures, choose “Custom”.

Alpha: the transparency of the mini-map.

Border Texture / Mask: the art used for the background of the map. The mask texture is used to clip any POI according to the border texture.

Image Resolution: the resolution for the image shown in the mini-map defined by 2^value. For example, a value of 8 produces a mini-map texture of 256×256.

Icon Size: the size for the icons shown on the mini-map.

Clamp Border: clamped POIs will always be shown on the mini-map even if they’re out of range. The clamp border property defines the minimum distance to the edge of the mini-map rectangle.

  • Snapshot Frequency: determines when the mini-map camera is active. For better performance, choose Time Interval or Distance Interval (it updates only when camera moves a certain distance to update the mini-map background)

When in full-screen mode, the properties World Size and World Center determines the bounds of the entire map to be shown.

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