X-Frame FPS Accelerator includes 3 main algorithms:
- Horizontal Downsampling: the resolution reduction is applied horizontally. For example, if you choose a 0.5 quality factor, the resolution will be Screen Width / 2 x Screen Height (remember that after rendering the frame, it will be upscaled to full screen resolution). You can choose different ratios, for example, a 0.75 will just reduce the image size by a quarter.
This reduction is always applied regardless of current FPS.
- Quad Downsampling: the resolution reduction is applied horizontally and vertically. For example, if you choose a 0.5 quality factor, the resolution will be Screen Width / 2 x Screen Height / 2 (remember that after rendering the frame, it will be upscaled to full screen resolution). This reduction is also always applied regardless of current FPS.
- Adaptative Downsampling: works like Quad Downsampling but you can choose the desired FPS and a quality range and. X-Frame will dynamically use different off-screen resolutions to match the best FPS according to the quality range specified.
Important: you always control the minimum quality factor! For example, if you want to maximize quality vs FPS, you can set a quality factor high, like 0.7 or 0.8 – or if you want to ensure the best smooth experience in your game in terms of FPS in exchange for quality you could reduce the minimum quality to 0.5 or even 0.3.
X-Frame brings you an opportunity to address less powerful devices and make your game available to more players. If current device is powerful enough and your FPS requirements are met, with adapatative downsampling X-Frame won’t affect the image quality of your game.
NEW RENDERING PIPELINES NOTICE! X-Frame FPS Accelerator will detect if Universal Rendering Pipeline is enabled. In this case, the adaptative downsampling is always used. Some other options won’t apply in this scenario.