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Description of X-Frame parameters

General Settings

  • Method: choose one of the three operation modes as described in the section “Algorithms included in X-Frame”. Note that when Universal Rendering Pipeline is used, it will always use adaptative downscaling internally.
  • Minimum FPS: your desired target FPS. If current FPS are greater than this value, no image reduction will be applied, ie. X-Frame won’t affect your image.
  • Preserve Nice FPS: if FPS exceeds this value, X-Frame will temporarily be disabled so it does not affect at all to your game performance. For example, if your game already runs on 60 fps, X-Frame should not execute. However, if FPS drops below this value, X-Frame will reactivate automatically.
  • Show FPS: display current FPS (frames per second) and optionally the current quality level (measured as a percentage where 100% = full quality or resolution).

Quality Management Settings

  • Adapt Speed Up: in adaptative downsampling, this parameter controls the speed of change between different image quality (ie. image resolution). When FPS drops, X-Frame will reduce the image quality in 10%. When FPS increase, X-Frame will increase the image quality in 10%. This parameter controls the speed of quality increase, when FPS are above the Minimum FPS parameter. If you want X-Frame to increase quality as soon as possible increase this value.
  • Adapt Speed Down: controls the speed of quality decrease, which occurs when FPS are below the Minimum FPS parameter.
  • Minimum Quality: this setting allows you to decide the minimum image resolution that you can afford to use in exchange for the extra FPS. This setting puts you in control of the impact of X-Frame in the resulting image quality. You can choose a high value and the image quality won’t be much affected, but the gain in FPS will be less. Experiment with different values always on the mobile device itself, never on screen!
  • Static Camera Quality: this setting is similar to minimum quality and will be used instead when the camera is not moving or rotating. You may set this value equal than the minimum quality parameter or increase it a little bit, so when the player is static in the scene, the image quality can get a little better. It’s known that when you need “action”, you will want the best FPS but if there’s no “action” you will want the best image quality for the best viewing experience – this setting allows you to control that situation.
  • Reduce Pixel Count: this setting will reduce pixel count in the scene until 1 if desired minimum FPS is not achieved. It will revert to original value as soon as minimum FPS is obtained. The threshold setting let you specify the minimum resolution fall before applying this optimization.
  • Manage Shadows: X-Frame will monitor all lights in the scene and will swtich the quality of its shadows, from soft to hard shadows or even disabling shadows. The control is done per light depending on current FPS goal.
  • Manage LOD bias: the LOD bias is a global multiplier for the distance LOD that affects all LOD groups. It can be used to reduce the distance required to switch to a higher LOD level thus reducing triangle count earlier to improve performance.

Rendering Settings

  • Filtering: specifies the sampling filter used when upscaling the frame, either nearest neighbour (faster, pixelates) or bilinear (smoother, blurs).
  • Antialias: this slider controls the MSAA quality level. Setting this slider to 2 or more will enable antialias and will dramatically improve the result. Note that this setting doesn’t change the main camera or project settings, it only affects the internal rendering performed by X-Frame.
  • Clear Flags: the clear flags for the X-Frame camera. By default it’s set to Nothing, but if you experience ghosting artifacts, set this to Color or Solid Color.
  • Blend with Background: when enabled, X-Frame won’t clear the background of the frame buffer when upscaling the frame buffer. This option allows certain combinations of cameras where some camera render at different depths.
  • Render Method: choose a final compositing method.
    • “Second Camera Billboard World Space”: uses a second camera to draw the upscale frame inside a world space quad. Default and recommended setting.
    • “Second Camera Blit”: uses a second camera and a post-effect to upscale the frame optionally adding a sharpening pass. This mode is slower on older devices.
  • Sharpen Image: optionally sharpen the upscaled image which brings more details to the resulting image (only available with Second Camera Blit).
  • Prewarm: forces X-Frame to create the offscreen render buffers during start-up, instead of creating them on-demand. Most of the time you won’t notice any difference although checking it should reduce any hiccup when changing resolution in Adaptative Downsampling on some devices.
  • GameObject Clicks: when enabled, X-Frame will perform raycasting and bubble events like OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp and OnPointerClick to the gameobjects in the scene.
  • Boost Frame Rate: when enabled, X-Frame will set the maximum frame rate and v-sync values at optimal values to obtain the best FPS possible when application is running.
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