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Compass Navigator Pro 2 Parameters

When you select the CompassNavigatorPro in the hierarchy, a custom inspector will be shown allowing you to customize it:

Please note that all of these parameters can also be controlled using C# (see API section).

Compass Bar Settings

In this section you can customize the general look & feel of the Compass Bar:

  • World Mapping Mode: determines the algorithm used to fit the POIs in front of the camera into the bar.
  • Style: choose a ready-to-use compass bar style. If you want to add your own sprite you can simply replace the existing sprites in the Resources/Sprites section. Read ”Adding your own sprites” section.

  • Tint Color: Choose a custom color to colorize the navigation bar.
  • Bend Amount: Bend the navigation bar to make a visual curved effect.
  • Width of bar: Specify a width (0..1 with respect to the screen width).

  • Height: Choose the height of the bar itself.
  • Vertical Position: Specify a vertical position for the compass bar (0 = bottom, 1 = top).
  • Horizontal Position: Place the bar horizontally on the screen view.
  • End Caps Width: Specify a margin to limit the area where icons can be displayed (so they don’t overlap the end point art of the compass bar).

  • Edge Fade Out: Enable fade out at the edges of the navigation bar and play with its width, start and also enable this effect for the tex.
  • Alpha: Set the transparency of the compass bar during playmode. Check “Visible in Edit Mode” if you want to show the compass bar irrespective of the alpha setting during Edit Mode.

  • Show Cardinal Points: Enable cardinal symbols that will show on the navigation bar. (Adjust the scale freely).
  • Show Ordinal Points: Enable ordinal points on the navigation bar. (Adjust the scale freely).
  • Vertical Offset: Adjust vertical offset for both, cardinal and ordinal points.
  • Show Ticks: Enable half-winds indicator ticks on the navigation bar, and set their interval, width, height and custom color.
  • Fade Duration: Sepcify a fade duration in seconds. The compass bar appears/disappears smoothly and this parameter controls the duration of this effect.

POI Settings: In this section you can adjust general appearance and behavior for POIs on the navigation bar.

  • Icon Prefab: By default thesde settings will be used for icons and distance in the navigation bar if they are not set manually.
  • Icon Size Range: Izons on the navigation bar will be sized according to this range.
  • Show Distance: Show distance of the POI in the navigation bar.
  • Visible Max – Min distance: Specify the range in which the icon is going to be visible or not in the navigation bar.
  • Near Distance: Specify the distance when the icon starts to grow when player is approaching.
  • Visited Distance: Minimum distance for a POI to be considered as visited.
  • Scale in Duration: Interval of time for the scale in animation effect for the POI.
  • Label Hot Zone: The distance from the center of the compass bar where a POI is visible.
  • Visited Sound: Sound to play when a POI is visited.
  • Beacon Sound: Sound to play when enabling beacon effect.
  • Heartbeat Sound: Sound to play for the heartbeat effect.

Title Settings: Uses Text Mesh Pro to create advanced text.

  • Font: Specify an available font or add a custom one.
  • Vertical Offset: Adjust the vertical offset of the text.
  • Scale: Adjust the scale of the text.
  • Text Shadow: Enable shadow effect on the text.
  • Min POI Distance: Minimum distance of the POI to show the title text.
  • Show Distance: Show the distance to the POI next to the title.

Reveal Text Options

  • Font: Specify an available font or add a custom one.
  • Vertical Offset: Adjust the vertical offset of the text.
  • Scale: Adjust the scale of the text.
  • Reveal Duration: Time for the reveal text to show on the screen.
  • Letter Spacing: Set space between letters of the reveal text.
  • Letter Delay: Reveal duration for each letter when appearing.
  • Duration: Text duration on screen.
  • Fade Out Duration: Duration of the fade out effect.
  • Text Shadow: Enable or disable the shadow on the reveal text.

Mini-Map Settings

This section controls the look and behaviour of the mini-map. The mini-map is synchronized with the compass bar. Adding a POI to the compass bar will make it visible in the mini-map as well.

  • Keep Straight: Keeps the Mini-Map oriented to North.
  • Allow User Drag: Enable ability to pan around the minimap with left click.
  • Idle Update Mode: Set interval of time to check for POIs on the mini-map.
  • Style & Design
    • Contents: Choose the Mini-Map type, from: Top Down World View, World Map Texture, UI Texture, Radar.
    • Style (Available when selecting Top Down World View):  Select from more than 12 presets for the mini-map texture, or set a custom one.
    • Border is circular: Enable this option if the map texture is circular.
    • Vignette: Add vignette effect and set custom color.
    • Background Color: Set custom background color beyond boundaries of the map view.
    • Position & Size: Choose presets for the position of the mini-map on the screen or manually specify position and size.
    • Alpha: Set transparency of the minimap.
    • Contrast: Adjust contrast for the minimap world view.
    • Brightness: Adjust brightness for the minimap world view.
    • LUT Texture: Specify a custom color correction texture file.
    • Tint Color: Set custom color for the minimap world view.
    • Show Zoom in/out Buttons: Enables buttons to zoom in and out off the minimap world view.
    • Show Maximize Button: Enables a button that allows you to maximize the mini-map.
    • Show Player Icon: Enable the player icon view and select the icon.
    • Show Cardinals: Enables cardinals on the mini-map with custom adjustments.
    • Show View Cone: Enables a cone field of view effect for the player.
  • POI Settings
    • Icon Prefab: Specify a prefab that holds base information for icons.
    • Visible max distance: POIs located over this distance will not be visible on the mini-map.
    • Size: Custom size for the POIs on the minimap.
    • Position Shift: Set a custom displacement for POIs on the mini-map.
    • Clamp Border Margin: Distance of the clamped icons to the edge of the mini-map.
    • Generate Click Events: Enable pointer click events when called via scripting on the minimap.
    • Circle Animation Duration: Time interval of the circle animation duration on the mini-map.
  • World Capture Rendering
    • Resolution: Size of the minimap render texture.
    • Layer: Specify the layers to be captured on the mini-map.
    • Render Shadows: Enable shadows capturing on the mini-map.
    • Camera Altitude vs Follow: The altitude of the mini-map camera relative to the main camera or followed object.
    • Camera Projection: Choose between orthographic or perspective mode for the mini-map view.
    • Captured World Size: The orthographic size of the mini-map camera.
    • Snapshot Frequency: Frequency of the mini-map camera capture.
    • Zoom Min-Max: Interval between which zoom cand be made on the mini-map.
    • Current Zoom: Current zoom on the mini-map.
  • Maximized Mode Settings
    • Maximized Mode: Activate maximized mode of the mini-map to make changes off play mode.
    • Contents: Choose the Mini-Map type, from: Top Down World View, World Map Texture, UI Texture, Radar. (Full screen mode)
    • Border is circular: Enable this option if the map texture is circular. (Full screen mode)
    • Clamp Border Margin: Distance of the clamped icons to the edge of the mini-map. (Full screen mode)
    • Resolution: Size of the mini-map render texture. (Full screen mode)
    • Size: Size of the mini-map in full screen mode.
    • UI Placeholder: Optional UI element which serves as placeholder for exact positioning of the mini-map in full screen mode.
    • Keep Aspect Ratio: Keep aspect ratio in fullscreen mode.
    • Center on Followed: Forces center of the world map to be the same as the object to follow.
    • World Center: Change the center axis of the world.
    • World Size: Specify the world size.
  • Fog Of War: Enable fog of war and set options to remove fog on a custom radius, and customize appearance.

On-Screen Indicators Settings

  • Indicator Prefab: Base prefab that holds default information for on-screen indicators.
  • Scale: Scale adjustment for the indicator.
  • Near Fade Distance: Distance at which the on-screen indicator will start to fade when it approaches the camera.
  • Near Fade Min: Minimum distance at which the on-screen indicator will start to disappear.
  • Alpha: Default alpha of the on-screen indicator.
  • Show Distance: Enable/disable distance to the POI in the on-screen indicator.
  • Show Title: Enable title for the POI on the indicator.

Off-Screen Indicators Settings

  • Base Prefab: Base prefab that holds default information for the off-screen indicator.
  • Scale: Adjustments for the scale of the off-screen indicators.
  • Margins: Separation off screen edges.
  • Alpha: Default alpha for off-screen indicators.
  • Avoid Icon Overlapping: Avoid off-screen indicators overlapping each other when they cross.
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